The world is full of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They lie, steal and cheat to make a buck at the expense of the humble sheep trying to earn a living. Some would say money is the problem. But money is not evil. The difference between the wolf and the sheep is the way they obtain money and how they use it. 

I have too many experiences throughout my life that have illustrated this principle. One example is that of Little Jimmy—”little” describing his smallness of heart and character. Little Jimmy called himself a minister and even wrote a book about the power of keeping his word. Yet, after borrowing millions of dollars has only, to date, repaid 1 million of that. In 10 years, no additional principal or interest has been paid. His character is such that he doesn’t face me, or the situation, himself. He sends little Pauly—the spokesman, the talker—to talk over the issues and distract from the lack of action. 

This is not the path, or the way, of Christ. In my book, I will help you understand how to develop a healthy approach toward money, the right way to improve your financial circumstances and how you can use it to serve your neighbors. 


About Allen, the author.

As a businessman and entrepreneur, Allen Kreutzkamp has had many experiences in the financial world that have shaped his knowledge of money. Over time, he came to see that there’s a difference between good money and filthy money. But it was only recently, while independently walking the Camino de Santiago Compostela (Northern Coastal route) that he became inspired to share how, like wolves among sheep, there are those who would take advantage in the pursuit of financial gain. Financial Principles of Christ helps you identify potential pitfalls, learn how to approach money with gratitude, find success in your ventures and enjoy serving others.

Read Allen’s introduction to the book >

Book coming soon

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where money became a point of contention? Perhaps you were involved with others in your life who tried to trick you into giving them money or asked a lot from you without giving in return. Financial Principles of Christ is for you, with stories and tips that will help you identify when others are looking to deceive you and how to handle those situations with love and compassion, the way the Lord would.

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